Development of websites and applications

The path to a good website begins with its quality design. At the beginning, I will want to get to know your business in as much depth as possible, so that I can be a full-fledged partner for you in the design of your new website. Based on the information obtained, I will create a complete website design for you, which we will fine-tune together so that it suits your target group as much as possible and brings the desired results.

Finally, we will proceed to the implementation itself, for which I will select those sites that offer technologies.

Creation of systems for cities and municipalities

In the last few years I have often designed web information systems for smaller cities and towns. During my time in the field, I met many mayors, secretaries, representatives and collaborated with them in the design of the website for their municipality. Since they have been dealing with the issue in depth for a long time, I know most of the pitfalls that local government websites run into. When creating, I also take into account legal obligations. So you won’t have any problems with the website even during the annual audit. The website always includes an electronic official board, e-filing office or a section of compulsorily published information.

Some legal regulations governing creation:

  • Act 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information,
  • Act 500/2004 Coll., which introduces an electronic official board,
  • Act 99/2019 Coll., on website accessibility, which replaces Decree 64/2008 Coll.,
  • Act 12/2020 Coll., on the right to digital services

Technical supervision of your supplier

Are you remodeling or have you recently done a website and need to check if everything is in order from a technical point of view? I will work with both you and your supplier to improve your web presentation so that it starts to bring results. I know what to look out for and what to think about to make a site convertible. It is important to think about things like properly set up indexing, redirection of old URLs, correctly placed conversion buttons, correctly deployed measurement codes and much more. In my career so far, I have collaborated both on small websites of local companies and on more global projects that operate in foreign markets and serve the needs of tens of thousands of people every day.

Why cooperate with me?

  1. I participated in the creation of dozens of websites, e-shops and intranets
  2. I keep a basic overview even in associated fields
  3. you will not be one of many customers for me, as is the case with agencies
  4. I will invite other specialists for creation/consultations
  5. Your know-how is safe with me
  6. communication and reporting at a frequency we agree upon
  7. they sign the work in their own name and I will want to introduce myself further

How much will it cost?

Hourly rate: 600 CZK / hour