
You can view some of my references on this page. I will gradually add more.

Bachelors Web Application

For the company BAKÁLÁŘI software s.r.o. As a contractor, I am involved in creating the frontend of the most widespread school system in
the Czech Republic. My role consists in the coordination of several coders and the implementation of supplied graphic materials. Part of the cooperation was also the proposal of changes in the user interface of the application so
that it would be easy for parents to use both school students, teachers and them. It goes without saying that all images are optimized for computers, tablets and mobile devices. Intensive cooperation lasted less than a year, until the release of a
new version of the application and its distribution to individual schools.

Login page to Bachelors

Technology: HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript
This is cooperation on an already running project, for which they provide
support. The website is implemented on the OpenMage platform, which I regularly update.

Technology: OpenMage

Sewing with Dana Video Course Site
In 2021, I completed a complete e-commerce solution for a sewing portal that
specializes in selling video courses –

Sewing with Dana

Technology: Laravel, Bootstrap, iDoklad API, payment gateway Comgate, connection with Vimeo service, Facebook pixel

For over five years, I collaborated on the development of the PoštovnéZdarma platform marketplace and its foreign mutations. With a small team, I created and successfully managed a logistics system for the transportation of shipments from the merchant to the customers within the whole world. Almost 4 million shipments with a value of several billion crowns passed through this system in a few years.


  • Postovné
  • Postovné
  • and more …

Technology: OpenMage, REST, SOAP

Gymnasium and Secondary Vocational School, Plasy
At the end of 2018, I implemented websites for two schools from Pilsen. One of these schools was the gymnasium with secondary school in Plasy. Based on analysis of old websites
I designed a new information structure and, after consulting with the client, I then set about implementing it. The school now has a modern website with easy administration. The website will be redesigned during 2024.

Technology: WordPress, modified commercial template

Older references

Dení extension for internet browsers

For VLTAVA LABE MEDIA a.s. I implemented an extension for the Internet browsers Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The extension displayed current news from home and around the world and highlighted relevant Google search results.

Zšíření Dení

The extension is not currently updated by the dení portal.


Strašice Municipality

For the municipality Strašice, which is a municipality with extended scope, I designed the complete website structure and participated in the creation of these sites as lead developer. In addition to the usual sections such as the official board, e-mail address, history and contacts, we have also created pages for the municipal police and associations operating in the municipality. The specialty was advanced work with documents and the possibility of displaying them in various places on the web. The website was in operation for 4 years.

Strašice - contact page

Technology: CMS for cities and towns

Kamenný Újezd Municipality
In 2015, I designed and participated in the implementation of the website for the municipality Kamenný Újezd u Rokycan. Great emphasis was placed on fulfilment of legal obligations,
which local government authorities must follow. In addition to fulfilling this requirement, we have prepared a clear information structure that allows you to quickly find the required information. Citizens have access to all important information in just a few clicks. The website was in operation for 5 years.

Kamenný Újezd - home page

Technology: CMS for cities and towns